Anything you are dreaming of doing, start now! Daring is in itself a sign of genius, power and even magic. It all began in 1974, with a secret to be protected, that change a need into a desire. A buckle is not merely something to close a bag, a shoe or a belt, it has character and uniqueness in its own practical use. To express this concept all that needs to be done must be done well. A buckle has to be designed, created and crafted by expert hands, in such a way as to give those who wear it the feeling of being uniquely precious.
The entire production is hand made in Italy from the conception of the design to the wax model, the first prototype in zamac, the galvanic process and the final quality control. Our product combines creativity and craftsmanship and it is the result of a constant research of new materials, styles, colors and trends to respond to our descerning customer who seeks quality and innovation in each new collection. Special attention is dedicated to a selected number of customers for whom we produce exclusive collections.